The concept of combining the element of time with the process of setting goals (which are essentially an experience of a point in space) is truly intriguing. Donal Kelleher, co-founder of Quantum Mogul, touched on the power of this idea in our interview on the LIMITLESS podcast when he shared his process of Billionaire Goal-Setting.
He encourages entrepreneurs to set monthly, 12-month, and even 5-year goals, insisting that a good 5 year goal should feel really stratospheric in scope - it has to feel at least a bit impossible in order to be useful.
The purpose of setting goals is to stretch you beyond what you think is possible. Setting a goal within the bounds of what you know you can accomplish will yield nothing but a list of tasks and their expected outcomes. A good goal is like a dare - an energetic bet you make with yourself - and the fun is in taking up the challenge.
Time is an element that activates your Magician archetype; this is the one that knows how to collapse time by inviting inspiration, imagination and synchronicity. The Magician welcomes a surprise and can see opportunity in unlikely situations. This archetype will also take risks that send you out of your comfort zone - he’s not afraid of “failure” or looking foolish in front of others. He knows that mistakes, as we call them, are often a springboard toward our goal, effectively bypassing many logical steps that would have wasted our time.
The Magician can sacrifice his dignity in service of his goal because he knows that dignity is an illusion you hold about how others see you, while your goal represents a higher purpose and holds a higher value. Dignity, reputation and credibility are all things that hold you firmly inside the boundaries of your comfort zone. Abandoning comfort is not an option - it’s a requirement for achieving the type of success that can surprise and delight you, as opposed to remaining within the familiar bosom of hustle culture that tells you it’s just about doing more of what you already know how to do.
Donal Kelleher says that the physical act of writing down a goal with a timeline, preferably with pen and paper, is an act that launches it into a different realm of accomplishment.
Beyond activating the Magician, another reason is that when it comes to manifesting, action is king. Of course you have to hold a belief that you will create what you desire, but acting on that belief is essential. Start by making a written commitment, a kind of contract with yourself. Often, we find ourselves unable to commit, even on paper, to what we say we believe about our capacity. Writing something down is a great way to flush out hidden fears and lack of trust in what you’re committing to so that you can deal with them and get them out of our way.
The Warrior archetype is the one that’s activated when it comes to taking action in the physical and material world. Warrior energy includes qualities such as stamina, willpower and determination which must come online in service of your vision. Warrior codes can easily get distorted whenever you don’t have a clear perspective of the truth due to fear, doubt or self-disparagement. The distorted Warrior energy is what we recognize as the Victim archetype; everything feels heavy, obstructed, burdensome or even impossible. Writing your goals down forces your Victim shadow out of hiding (if you’re astute enough to catch it). Listen to what you’re saying to yourself as you write your goals and the timeline - is there a voice telling you that it’s not possible, or that you don’t deserve so much success without a level of effort that would kill you, or that it would be dangerous to shine so brightly in the world? The Warrior’s job is not to whip you into working harder, it’s to make sure you don’t give up because you believe a lie. The Magician doesn’t have to know how something will happen, it just lets you host the faith of the outcome you want right in your body.
It’s critically important to your success that the goal you choose is in service of your true values, or what we might call your “why” - what matters to you. Have you chosen a goal based on Shadow needs? Is this goal meant to prove something, to yourself or to others? Is it limited by what you unconsciously believe you deserve? For example, you might feel worthy of running a large company but now quite worthy of being an important philanthropist, political leader or Nobel prize winner.
Worthiness is the domain of the Lover archetype, the one that doesn’t buy your story about knowing your place or dulling your shine to keep from rocking the boat.
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