Space|Time Alchemy is the current waystation on my 25 year journey through the wild world of holistic health and wellness. It’s a synergy of everything I've gleaned from nearly three decades of professional experience in the fields of homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology and PEMF technology as well as personal immersion in the more spiritual practices of EFT and meditation.
The Journey to Alchemy:
Back in the 1990’s, while working as a classical musician in a symphony orchestra, I fell head-first into the world of homeopathic medicine. Beyond the philosophy, I was enamored with the encyclopedic repertories and hand-drawn charts, charming forerunners of modern data processing. I was a proud luddite, the Last of the Mohicans among my peers, proudly resisting newfangled inventions like the laptop computer and digital repertory software in favor of paper and pencil, laboriously working out every prescription by hand. It was successful, at least to the extent that my practice flourished, and a highly respected journal even published a case I submitted where the curative remedy was found by this method. Eventually, I relented and moved into the world of electronics, soon lamenting the time I had sacrificed over the years for the satisfaction of doing things “my” way.
Over time, more and more clients started inquiring about electronic body scans and other modern, high-tech solutions that were hitting the marketplace. It required a significant leap of faith for this luddite to invest in the NES Bioenergetics system which does a complete analysis of every system and process of the body in mere seconds. My clients loved this technology, and they didn’t seem to care at all whether I could explain how it worked. It was magical.
I found that the more my ego let go of its need to take credit for all the positive outcomes my clients were enjoying, the faster and easier things became - even the practice of homeopathy. I let the answers come to me instead of breaking my head over them. I followed flashes of insight instead of crunching numbers. Colleagues began asking them to teach them my secrets.
Through all this, there was one practice I was still skeptical about, and that was muscle testing. I loved when other practitioners used it on me as the client, but, hypocritically, it felt too flaky to ever use in my own practice. I thought it was a gift I hadn’t been blessed with and I could never pretend to wield that kind of magic. It wasn’t until I met Heather Phillips who taught me the branch of Applied Kinesiology called Touch For Health that I learned the art and science of performing an accurate muscle test. Once I started engaging my clients in muscle testing their remedies, my practice was completely transformed. Less time, less mental effort, equivalent or better results, every time.
If muscle testing itself is more art than science, trusting the results is a huge challenge to both ego and intellect. This has always been the hardest part for me - to value somatic wisdom over my powerful mind and rational thoughts, the part of me with which I identify so strongly. But there was no denying that the more I trusted, the lighter and more joyful my work became.
When I stumbled on a seminar by Sonika Asif about the archetypes of new earth consciousness, I fell for the “dark” realms (birthplace of purpose and creativity) as hard as I’d fallen for homeopathy decades before, Shadow Alchemy offers a concise, elegant architecture of the human psyche, and through this new lens, I started exploring the Bach Flowers not merely as agents of healing but as powerful tools for alchemizing shadow and for accessing the genius realm of consciousness. Pairing them with archetypes was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle.
The Core of Space|Time Alchemy:
Space|Time Alchemy begins with a proprietary inquiry process. We pose specific questions to identify very precise emotional states - illusions that are blocking your awareness of the truth in the present moment. Every fear, every hesitation to act decisively, every twinge of self-doubt is rooted in an invisible safety net of thoughts and feelings keeping you tethered to outdated codes and doomed to stagnation. We then create a bespoke blend of flower essences to target these shadow beliefs and alchemize them into the powerful awareness of truth.
It's like giving you control over your own emotional weather system; you gain the ability to change how you move through time and space, and literally realign your life’s narrative.
Practical Magic:
The results have been nothing short of miraculous. Clients say these blends have dissolved lifelong fears in just days, sharpened their intuition, rekindled intimacy in their marriage, elicited spiritual awakenings, clarified their life purpose and helped scale their businesses to unimaginable degrees.
Engaging with Space|Time Alchemy:
If you're intrigued by how this could transform your practice or personal life, consider:
A Consultation: Email to discuss how Space|Time Alchemy might fit into your work or personal journey.
The Master Alchemist Program: This program offers foundational training in the modality including muscle testing, remedy selection, and a deep dive into archetypal work.
A 90-Day 1:1 Intensive: For those ready to invest in efficiency and time collapse, master your energetics and achieve your aspirations faster than you thought possible.
Whether you're looking to enhance your practice with techniques that bring profound changes for your clients or seeking your own path of growth, this methodology provides a unique, effective approach.
The protocol is a profound and precise adjunct method including for coaches, healers, therapists and integrative practitioners that seamlessly integrates with any and all modalities you are currently running. The boomerang beauty of the system is its unparalleled ability to deliver rapid and tangible transformation for the practitioner as well as the clients!
Are you ready to redefine what success looks like? Space/Time Alchemy is your bullet train to the next level of mastery you’ve been dreaming of.
Contact for next steps.
